CLICK HERE FOR AN MORE UP TO DATE AND BANNER FREE VERSION David GLAUDE's Home PageVery Recently added pages: Recently added pages: Recently modified pages: Click anywhere to 'randomly' go somewhereI am very proud of this serverless trick. How to browse my siteThere are two versions of my web site, one with graphical theme and design that is nice for browsing and one wich contain only the editorial content (with some inline graphics however). I will try to guide you throught this first version. The second version is nice for printing. But you can always reach the second one from the first one. At the top of the page, just below the commercial banner, if any, you will find the top level topic. Just click one one of them and you will be able to read all about that topic and reach sub-topic. At the left of the page you find level two topic related to the page you are on. When you wach the home page, you have there all the sub-topic graphics. It might be a lot and will take some time to be downloaded, but later-on your cache will have them if you continue visiting. One interesting thing is that a give page might be cross topic and thus reachable in more than one way. Each page is having two unique icon, one small of 50 by 50 pixels and one big of 75 by 75 that is only visible when you visit that subject or sub-subject. Also on each page you should have a background graphic, a short and long bar that visualy separate the content from the browsing item. For more information on this design on this page or the tool I use to do it on this one. Top level subject you can reach from here
Cercle Informatique: Page about my student club. |
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